married life

married life

Monday, December 2, 2013

2 of 31 Questions: Fears

Day Two
Describe 2 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears
To follow from the beginning start here

1. The Dark
Honestly I am terrified of the dark! I have no idea when I became scared of it, but for as long as I can remember I've hated it. I make Naaman stand on the front porch to watch me if I have to go outside for any reason, I hardly ever spend the night by myself and if I do, I lock myself in my room, blast music and call Naaman way to often. I don't think I am necessarily sacred of the dark, more so things in the dark.

2. Getting Into A Car Accident
When I was I 16 I got into an accident where I feel asleep at the wheel and hit two cars head on while having my cruise control set to 55mph.  Hitting one car is bad, hitting two cars is worse and getting trapped in your car when the engine catches on fire is something I can't even describe. I am not sure how I made it out of that one, but to this day I still get nervous driving and getting into the car with people. Poor Naaman has to deal with me constantly telling him to slow down, pay attention, or simply shutting my eyes so I don't freak out!

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