married life

married life

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Beach Bums 2013

The beginning of this month a group of us got together for a mini' vacay at the beach. The weekend was filled with amazing people, weather, food, drinks and laughs. So many memories pop into my mind as I think back to this weekend

- I lost my phone! Yep, its phone's life was ended after it took a nice long swim in the salty ocean. As a sneaky wave came up and tried to take Bella and Lous, I grabbed Bella and Anna literlly saved Lou's life. In the process of all the chaos, my phone slipped out of my pocket. Over a week with no phone was a new thing for me, luckily Michelle came to the rescue and mailed me her old one.

- Meagan chipping her you might ask? Oh, her knee hit her beer bottle, which hit her tooth!  You had to be there to experience this

- Ashley killing it at flip cup, while Jordan and Jake played with chocolate milk

- Games of pool and Rummikub. 

- Noel, Ashley and I spending way to long at the casino. This casino trip had so many great memories; Jake sending us with $20 to gamble for him - Noel and I wanting to stop at the Wing Wa to people watch - Noel getting pissed about Big Foot - first time playing roulette and winning - walking the casino a million times to find my favorite slot machine...only for it to be out of order - watching Ashley play  Craps and trying to explain it to me - Ashley owing 'interest' to a guy who gave her a couple chips - playing three slot machines in a row and all of us losing money - smelling like an ash tray 

- All of us going to the beach together as one happy family!

- Bella making it 'rain' apples-to-apples on Noel

- Walking upstairs only to see Anna wrapped in a small towel and saying "oh Ally, umm I need help. I don't know what is going on!" So I follow her into the bathroom and see Bella & Lou's sitting in the huge bathtub. Anna was trying to get the jets to work, but the water wasn't over the jets. So when she turned them on streams of water would shoot out every direction, soaking the entire bathroom. It defiantly was a site to see!

-Celebrating Jakes birthday

So thankfully for this weekend, and can't wait to get together with everyone again. As you will see, I don't have many pictures since my phone wasn't working all weekend. Head to Ashley's blog, I am sure she will be posting pictures soon of this weekend.


I think I may have become addicted to Bingo over the weekend! It was a last minute outing planned, but I am so happy we all went. I sent a text out a little before 3pm to see if anyone wanted to get together that night, since Naaman was out of town hunting! And of course since I have some of the best friends around, we all meet up just a couple hours later and killed it playing bingo. Okay we didn't really win alot of money....but I am here to tell you, our table won just about every bottle of Hard-A that was given out! I have a feeling alot more bingo nights will be in our future.

Side note; bingo, bunco, book club, cooking I getting old?!

Moving Day

So it's official, MB and Joe are out of their house! Yep its true, they are leaving their cute lil' house behind and moving on to new and bigger thing. Its kind of sad to say bye to the little house, they did such a great job with the house. I mean how could you not miss the green house and chicken coop?

Flash back to November 2009. It's crazy how small the kitchen use to be! And yes that is Naaman skate boarding down the ramp of the moving van.

And yes Ashley it was this night....

With all the help we had it didn't take too long!

Of course we had to take a little lunch break. And long story short, Safeway messed up on ringing us up...7 sandwiches, 7 sodas and 7 chips, all that for under $18. Us=1 Safeway=0

Then it was off to moving the green house and loading up barrel's in the Hum-dizzle! This green house experience went way better for Naaman then the falling through the roof and getting stitches everywhere, including his lil' bum!

Bella was such a 'help' with everything, and she looked pretty darn cute carrying boxes and sweeping!

And what's a moving day without a little play-time?

After some play time it was off to the storage until, but not before Lou's provided us all with some laughs

After a hard day of moving what's better then a nice cold glass of white wine with some amazing girls.  We headed over to Lindsey's house and enjoyed the nice weather and finally ICED Anna! Yep it's true, Lindsey and I pinky promised to not get eachother that night and put out efforts into Icing Anna...and it was a glorious victory. 

After a couple nice glasses of wine it was off to playing football and watching cars go by the house as Lou stood in the sink. Yes I might have accidentally introduced Lou to the joys of standing in the if you are ever at Lindsey's house and Lou-Lou is standing in the kitchen trying to get you to understand something, she probably just wants you to put her in the biggie!

And how cute is this little girl?!