married life

married life

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

You'll always be in my heart

This post has been in the works for awhile. I started it weeks ago, but was never able to actually get anywhere. But here is it...sorry about any errors, I haven't been able to go back over to read it, so bear with me!.....

You never realize how much someone has impacted your life until they are suddenly gone. I have had experience with death, and have dealt with it the best I can. When my Grandma and Granny died I was heartbroken, but it wasn't unexpected so I feel that I had time leading up to it to prepare myself. August 10, 2012 is a day that I will never forget and a day that will forever be replaying in my mind over and over and over again.

Naaman was getting back from his trip and I was excited to finally see him and celebrate our birthday's together. Naaman wasn't getting home until after midnight, so I had a hard time falling asleep waiting for him to come home. I finally feel asleep and when I woke up he was home!! After all the wait, he was back home to me! But something was wrong, he sat on the bed and completely broke down; tears streaming down his face, knuckles white, not being able to catch his breath, not responding to any of my questions, and his face was completely flushed of any emotion. Millions of things ran through my mind....and the last thing I could imagine came out of his mouth. "Charlie was in an accident". So I jumped into action, "well it will be okay, let's just head to the hospital right now!", "come on Naaman, lets get going!!!!", and with one look I knew our lives had forever been changed. And if the look wasn't enough I heard the words that still send a shiver down my spine every time I think about it, "No Alyssa, he is gone!"

The next couple days are a complete blur and still hard to think/talk about. I finally have come to a place where I can smile and laugh when thinking talking about Charlie and what he meant to us. The last couple weeks have been so hard; trying to stay strong and supportive for Naaman, and trying to go through the steps of greiving myself. But I have come to a point where I recognize I am just blessed to have know Charlie, and so lucky to have had him apart of my whole college career. Naaman lived with Charlie since Charlie's sophomore year until we left Corvallis. I got to experience 21st & Taylor with them, 4th street and many memories fill my mind when I think of all the adventures we had, and I'll never forget them! My good friend started dating Charlie when Naa & I started dating, so we all became very close as couples, either I was spending the night at Charlies because of Naa, or Charlie was spending the night at my house because of Mallory. I will forever cherish those memories, and still smile to this day thinking about everything we experienced together; beer bonging in the dorms, feeding their snake rats, beach trips, car rides to Naaman's house on Conifer, double dates, football games, begging the boys to clean up the house just a bit, beer pong tournaments, house parties, sleepovers, having the same classes together, hearing his loud car pull up to our house, thinking it was so cool that he had a black light in his car, road trips, enchanted forest, and much much more!

 A great memory with Charlie was our 2007 camping trip over Memorial Weekend. We had so much fun and like always we all got a little out of control, but we had a great time. I remember Charlie being so extremely excited to drink the vodka that had been soaking in the watermelon over night...mind you this was first thing when he woke up! There was so many laughs over this weekend, and one we all will never forget!

 I was so lucky to have grown so close with the boys because of Naaman, and I was able to experience all of their W.I.L.D and C.R.A.Z.Y ideas (and many stupid and dangerous!!)

The boys 2009 Halloween...they were defiantly a sight to see!

Our freshman year we decided to all pack in a couple cars a head to the beach! Charlie, Shane, Ashley and I were in one car, and I will never forget that lil' road trip.


Football games and going to the bars after was something we all looked forward to...

It was crazy to think that Naaman wasn't even suppose to go to Oregon State, but by one of God's little miracles his rodeo scholarship fell through at Washington State, so Oregon State it was!!! Naaman didn't even know Charlie and Shane were going to OSU but ran into them on campus and after that they never looked back. Naaman was always at the dorms (many people thought Naaman & Anna lived in the dorms because they were there so much), and thanks to Charlie, Naa and I met and here we are 7 years later, engaged and ready for more crazy adventures! The dorms were great, and I wouldn't change it for anything!

 Charlie and Naaman drinking in Ashley & My Dorm. The night they decided to pee in our DVD player. Yes you heard it right! 

This picture brings me so much joy! Charlie was teasing us like usual and made a random comment that there was no way we would be able to duct tape his feet together! Well after some rough housing, sitting on him, laughs, punches, pinching and one intense head lock we won!!! 

The last time Naaman lived with Charlie it was just the two of them in an apartment off of SW Morris which soon became the house for football games. It was right on the edge of campus, so this is where we went to party before games, during games, halftime and after! There was definitely a lot of memories made at this house!

Ashley and I made Naaman a book of pictures our freshman year. I finally was able to go through it knowing it would be filled with tons of pictures of Charlie....and boy was I right. Here are a couple from the book, the appropriate ones!

Charlie touched some many lives in the short time he was with us. I will forever cherish the memories I have with Charlie and will look back on this post more times then I can imagine!

Charlie was such an amazing, kind, passionate guy and the definition of a true friend. We all are blessed beyond words to have had the opportunity to know and love Charlie. I can only imagine Charlie upstairs partying it up with the Big Guy and keeping a watchful eye on us all down here.

 July 28th was the last time Naaman had the opportunity to see his dear friend.  I still thank our lucky stars everyday that Naaman had the chance to see Charlie then.

Charlie, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you were and playing the part in my life that you did. Naaman and I will never be able to think or talk about our college years without your name being brought up. Thank you for reminding me what true friends are, and having the special 'Ug' bond with Naaman.

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