Day One
List 20 random facts about yourself
1. I am absolutely head over heels in love with our dog Ryder
2. I am horrible at doing hair...hence why my hair always looks like it does
3. I had heart surgery my freshman year of High School
4. Bugs freak me out! Big, small, fat, yellow, black..doesn't matter I h.a.t.e them
5. I am terrified of the dark. I've tried to overcome that, but it just doesn't work. Me letting Ryder out at night by myself..forget it! My mom walking me to my car if it is dark...something I'm okay with admitting. Me walking as fast as I can to the bathroom at night....of course! Me having slumber parties with my parents when Naaman is out of town...not weird at all!
6. I miss my college years, and would go back in a heart beat if I could
7. Can't wait to have kids, but have always had a crazy feeling we are going to have twins!
8. I've always regretted giving up playing the piano
9. I love snacking on gold fish
10. I'm not allergic to anything (that I know of)
11. I can hardly stand to drink milk
12. I love the old Shirley Temple movies, and can't even count how many times I've watched them
13. My parents almost named me Jennifer (aka Jenny)
14. When I was little my sister shut my hand in her bedroom door and cut off the tip of my pinky
15. I went through hunter safety when I was in middle school
16. I am horrible at the worst
17. I love couponing
18. Nicknames: Lyster, Lissy, Sissy, Ally and Lou-Lou
19. I worked at a coffee shop in college, love the smell but hate the taste!
20. Am going to Europe for the first time in May
We would have spelled your name Jeni....